Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Kingdom of Arina

The teachings of the Law of One were at the heart of Arina’s new thought. These teachings emphasized three duties, the first being to honor the God within yourself; the second being to honor the God within your fellow man, and the third being to honor God within all life. At the creation of Arina, Arin, a great shepherd priest of the Law of One from the lost star of Veluxor, stood tall in his power on a high mountain peak deep in the primitive reaches of the undivided continent. Before him, on a column, he placed the Jewel of Oranetha and struck it with his staff. As the light from the jewel began to glow, it spread out over the land in concentric circles like ripples on a pond. In that primitive land, Arin and Windra, the great angel-spirit of Arina, drew the boundaries of their new kingdom and delineated concentric zones, each of which held a unique energy.
To the east, over a rugged mountain range lay the Great Sea. To the west of Arina’s Peak a wild river roared through the first circle of the inner temple area. They came to Arina from all lands to study the Law of One, but only in passing the test of Arin would the applicant be eligible to become a student of Arin. The ones who were eligible, the ones who had passed the test of Arin, could pass through the wall of light that formed the 80-mile boundary of Androvinka. These students had to function on their own by inner guidance and were watched carefully by the elders who ran the school.
The east gate of Arina was built when Arin created his kingdom. The gate was not necessary, but people didn’t understand that. Most people believed the gate was needed as a form of protection. The city of Anawalkia was initially built only when it was decided that a place of sanctuary was needed for the explorers who found their way through the wilderness to the east gate. Later, tourists from all over the world would visit Arina and would be given entrance through the giant eastern gate into the beautiful and exotic walled city of Anawalkia. However, most visitors would never suspect that beyond the walls of that city lay the inner kingdom of Arina, reached only by spiritual adepts who passed the “test of Arin.”.
Anyone who came to the great inner temple of Arina were considered adepts because they had passed the “test of Arin.” So the wall of light around the inner temple area in the hidden kingdom of Arina was something very different than the light around the six square-mile city of Anawalkia in the area of the east gate. When adepts came to the inner temple, they had to pass through the strongest wall, the highest frequency of light.
Going to the temple was not an everyday occurrence. From the outer perimeters of Arina people passed through the concentric zones, and at each zone they would encounter circular walls of light, the strongest one being the light around the inner temple area where a gate stood. If the adept was spiritually advanced, he could pass through that light. By passing through that light, one passed the test of Arin. All such events were registered and noted by the elders. They knew that that soul had come there for a greater purpose.
The way one approached the inner temple area, would let the elders know the nature of their soul advancement. The majority would be seeking instruction or seeking a solution to a problem. There were always counselors prepared to meet with all those coming. If you were advanced and passed through the wall there were those elders who specifically worked with you. To pass through the light, a soul was most likely a master of a particular area of Arina and came to the inner temple area to discuss something involving their service in Arina, or for the pure joy of experiencing the temple area. Anyone who could pass through the wall surrounding the Province of Androvinka (the kingdom of Arina), could enter the inner temple area.
It was a visionary place. What was taught helped people envision. We bring into existence what we envision. And this concept was part of the teachings of the Law of One. Arina taught the fullness of manifestation. People didn’t learn that overnight. They had to come to an inner understanding of their relationship to the Law of One (God).
Five thousand years after the great destruction of Atlantis (28,000 BC), water in a small stream began to flow into the land mass that was once Arina. It flowed south to north, which was different. The waterways of interest, the ones that hold a lot of sacred energy, are the ones that flow out of the earth toward the surface of the earth, like the headwaters of the West Fork and the Tygart Rivers.
These rivers flow directly through the center of Arina and meet at the boundaries of the great temple area. From that joining long ago, a new life cycle began. Birds dropped their seeds, grass began to grow. After the revitalization began, animals returned first. They migrated into the Morgantown area, (the present geographic center of Arina), and lived along the Monongahela River. The fish returned to the rivers.
The temple area that was spared during the blast was one of the first areas of resurgence. Once the Velorians, and other people, saw that the physical land around the inner temple area could sustain life then they began to take birth.
The little town of Greensboro offers a quiet place where people can get close to the river and feel its depths. People can stay at the local Bed and Breakfast that sits on the river. The remnants of the industrial age remain, but slowly the revitalization of the river now returns order and beauty to its’ banks.
Thomas of Arina

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